Clinical Research Fastrack

10,000 Jobs Open Today!

Get On the Road to Your Dream Job!

High Demand Positions, Cutting Edge TreatmentsIn 2016, Forbes named this position the #1highest-paying flexible job, and then included it again in a 2017 article about remote job opportunities. Forbes included this position on the list due to the high pay and flexibility of the position, but, most importantly, these CRAs are working on the new, cutting edge treatments that are changing our lives for the better.

Start A Career and Move Up Quickly!

According to a report from the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP), there are over 10,000 open CRA positions across the United States. Clinical trial sponsors and contract research organizations (CRO’s) are facing a huge shortage problem, and are desperate for qualified individuals to fill them. Because of this, field is left open for easy mobility throughout the industry, as well as into senior-level positions. That means that if you started as a clinical research coordinator (CRC) this year you could become a senior-level CRA in just 1-5 years!

Work from Home, Travel Often, Earn Great Pay

This position is not only in high demand, but offers great benefits and flexibility. The most obvious benefit might be the pay: CRA’s on average are making between $70,000 and $135,000 annually! Not only that, but working as a CRA has flexible hours that often allows individuals to work remotely, and plenty of opportunities for travel.

Get On the Fastrack Today!

Are you interested in learning more about working in clinical research? The clinical research market is over $100 billion strong, and Clinical Research Fastrack is helping provide qualified entry level staff to fill the high demand for research positions.  Clinical Research Fastrack’s unique, intensive short courses prepare our students to succeed in the vibrant research sector where they have significant opportunity for growth. You can begin your path to an amazing, high-paying, in-demand career!

To learn more about how to apply call 800-610-3171
or email: [email protected]