Clinical Research Fastrack

Clinical Research Circles The Globe

Clinical research has made an impact in every corner of the world!

Clinical Research Circles The Globe

Remember hearing the ghost stories about polio?

It took the life of a U.S. President.

In 1952 alone, over 60,000 children were diagnosed. Three thousand died, and thousands more were left paralyzed.

Two years later, a potential vaccine was ready for testing. Over 2 million children participated in the clinical trial and by 1957, cases of polio had fallen by 90 percent. Today, polio has been exterminated everywhere except parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

And what about smallpox? A virus that killed 300 million people globally in the 20th century is now extinct worldwide.






Research Improves Lives

Probably not the first answer that came to mind. But yes, improved healthcare is a result of research. Specifically, clinical research. I think we all can pick a single, magnifiable incident in which our lives were helped because of these studies.

Whether you’re reading this in the United States, where a powerful immunotherapy called Keytruda is helping to meaningful extend your life with non-small cell lung cancer.

Clinical research enabled that to be accessible.

Or you’re reading this from Ghana, where you’ve seen a loved one take drugs like Dihydroartemisinin in an effort to fight and win the battle against malaria.

Clinical research helped provide that chance.

Or say you’re reading this in Thailand, where your country is on pace to end AIDS by 2030. Your fear of developing the disease dies with HIV antiviral drugs.

Clinical research made that possible.

We Enjoy Good Health

Often times we get caught in the monotony of life. We see routine and repetition. And because of that, everyday marvels turn into everyday occurrences. Until eventually, appreciation turns into expectation.

We now expect to be treated and healed automatically. We demand that medicine know everything before it happens and why it happens.

But do we ever stop and see where we are and how we got there? I surely don’t. And I’m sure that’s the case around all 195 countries.

Global Reach, Global Impact

Clinical research has made life better everywhere, because it has given us options and solutions. It has paved a path one brick at a time for a healthier world.

The global reach of this industry has connected people in the furthest corners of the world. From patients that enrolled in the same trial 5,000 miles apart. To people who receive the same flu shot at the same Walgreens on the corner of State and Main.

Clinical research has no handcuffs on the impact it delivers, because this industry is truly designed for a global stage.