Clinical Research Fastrack

Female Innovators: Lauren Ballina Chang

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead

Medical innovation is finding new treatments that are nothing short of miraculous. While new scientific discoveries are heralded as amazing efforts by heroic individuals, it’s the soldiers behind the scenes making these innovations possible. The question is, who is developing the soldiers of the future?

The booming Clinical Research industry is expected to reach a market value of 81.6 billion by 2030. Rising investment by pharmaceutical companies and growing government funding in Clinical Research have distinguished this field from other sectors of healthcare. Additionally, the field of Clinical Research is set apart because of the investigational studies conducted to ensure that the performance of medical devices, new treatments, and pharmaceutical drugs are safe and effective. Various organizations, hospitals, and doctors conduct these trials globally, and in the U.S.

Through Clinical trials, new tests and treatments are evaluated, assessed, and impact patients worldwide. Better treatments for heart disease, cancer, and stroke are just some of many currently being tested in clinical research. Gifted visionaries in Clinical Research have heralded a new era where different factors are used in job consideration. Some of these professionals are women who have gone unrecognized for their talents and creativity. 

Female Innovators: Lauren Ballina Chang

Laura Ballina Chang, MS, CCRP, is one of these remarkable women. She is part of the leadership team at Clinical Research Fastrack. In her role as vice president of strategic growth, Chang continues to discover new trends in the research field and utilize her creativity to find new ways to inspire aspiring Clinical Research professionals to seek training. Chang began her career in Clinical Research at the site level, where she ran investigator-initiated trials.

Although she thrived at the site level in a patient-facing role, she soon discovered that she was passionate about helping others launch their careers in Clinical Research. She is a driving force in the Clinical Research Fastrack training program. With her background as an educator, mentor, innovator, clinical research professional, and entrepreneur, she attributes her creative skillset to her success.

Chang is proud to be able to tackle challenges head-on and ensure that students who are aspiring Clinical Research professionals have access to critical content, an engaging curriculum, and an interactive classroom environment. Her ability to solve problems creatively and collaborate with the incredible team at Clinical Research Fastrack has transformed the research industry and amplified the training program’s ability to influence individuals interested in changing the world for the better with a rewarding career in Clinical Research.

How Can Clinical Research Fastrack Help?

For those who are new to the industry, Clinical Research Fastrack provides an exceptional training foundation. In this field, leading minds are pushing the boundaries in terms of what is possible in medicine. The industry is always in need of new talent, and Clinical Research professionals work for many different types of employers, including hospitals, clinics, biotech, and pharmaceutical companies. Common roles in this industry include positions that involve working with patients and other roles that revolve around data and analytics. Examples of common titles in Clinical Research include Data Manager, Clinical Pharmacist, Regulatory Specialist, and Data Entry Specialist. 

New research professionals need training in core competencies for clinical trial facilitation to get started in this industry with endless opportunities for advancement. No specific degree is required to enter Clinical Research; however, candidates should be interested in learning and remain curious. Some qualities that make a strong clinical researcher are someone who values education has a passion for science and healthcare and is motivated to grow in a field that offers tremendous opportunities.

At Clinical Research Fastrack, our mission is to help aspiring Clinical Research professionals gain the proper education to bypass any obstacles that might stand in their way as they work to become a part of this unique field in the healthcare industry. Connect with a member of our team by calling (602) 883-7944 or filling out our convenient online form.