Clinical Research Fastrack

Anhaita Jamula

Anhaita Jamula, CCRC, is the Assistant Vice President, Clinical Trials, at Premier Inc. She was previously the Research Program Director at EvergreenHealth, a Kirkland, WA-based health care system. A self-described science geek, Jamula brings the perfect balance of business acumen, patient-focused dedication, and clinical research expertise to her role. She has over 20 years of experience in research management and a resilient passion to continuously evolve EvergreenHealth’s research program with the ultimate vision to offer a clinical trial for every patient that comes to EvergreenHealth. Jamula is responsible for the business development, financial and contracting management, legal contracting activities, capital resourcing, regulatory compliance and operations across the entire Research Program. As Director, she has successfully implemented a new business plan to improve business growth and optimize team infrastructure. A studied and accomplished leader, Jamula has learned and introduced Research Lean Methodologies, Change Mastery and Toyota Production System practices to her work, benefitting not only her work but also the work of her team and the lives of her patients. Jamula has led her team to facilitate sponsored clinical studies as well as internal investigator-initiated research programs across a spectrum of subjects, driven by the overarching goal to make clinical trial opportunities available to patients and families and to advance the health of the community.