Clinical Research Fastrack

Developments in Stem Cell Research.

What’s changing in Clinical Research? One example of how Clinical Research is leading the future of non-invasive surgeries is the incredible developments in stem cell research.

Why Are Clinical Trials Important?

Clinical trials are essential for the development of treatments that are both safe and effective. They are designed to answer questions about new therapies or how to use a current treatment. These trials are necessary because they help doctors and researchers gain further insight into human injuries, conditions, or diseases. Once they’ve gained the essential knowledge with help from the clinical trials, they can begin working on potential treatments with life-saving potential.

The Future of Cell and Gene Therapy

Kolon TissueGene is a biopharmaceutical company developing therapies to reduce pain and improve knee function in individuals with various orthopedic diseases and degenerative disorders. Through these companies’ development of innovative biopharmaceuticals, more people have the potential to improve the quality of their lives. Cell and gene therapy was, for many years, looked at skeptically. Companies like Kolon TissueGene set the example by leading the charge in cell and gene therapy. Developed for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee, TG-C is the companies leading product candidate that has moved through Phase II of clinical trials in the U.S and has gained market approval in Korea. 

Trials conducted in the U.S on individuals with osteoarthritis showcase its potential for serving as an effective treatment and helping to significantly improve pain relief, function, and joint structure. The company is also designing trials to seek and test the disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD). This drug can slow the progression of degenerative diseases and act as an alternative treatment to traditional surgery or other types of treatment. Kolon TissueGene plans to continue supporting the improvement of pain and function in the knee and other musculoskeletal diseases like rheumatoid arthritis by running clinical trials and tests on TG-C and their disease-modifying drug DMOAD.

Why Train With Clinical Research Fastrack?

At Clinical Research Fastrack, we offer accelerated, bootcamp-style training that equips individuals with the tools and job skills they need to enter and get hired faster in this rapidly growing field of Clinical Research. Our grads are working on clinical trials for new, cutting-edge treatments like Kolon TissueGene. The Clinical Research industry is making a difference in improving the quality of people’s lives worldwide. Cures for diseases = previously thought incurable are being created through clinical trials. Pursuing a career in Clinical Research will give you the opportunity to find new ways to cure patients or work to combat other diseases. ​​

Curious About Clinical Research Career Opportunities? 

Learn more about the benefits and what it takes to pursue and develop a career in Clinical Research. Schedule an appointment or call us at (602) 883-7944 to get started!