Two years ago, Clinical Research Fastrack was founded to change the industry standard. Two years later, we are doing just that.
Our country was founded by thoughtful and courageous rebels who believed in taking the risk to change a traditional order imposed by England. Our founders blazed a new path and created a better future for their children.
At Clinical Research Fastrack we honor the incredible courage, brilliance and creativity that our forefathers and foremothers displayed to disrupt the status quo and improve their own lives. Ben Franklin said, “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”
In a small way, Clinical Research Fastrack is following our revolutionary forbearers spirit by not accepting the status quo in clinical research and in education, that no longer meets the demands of our industry. We are disrupting the traditional institutions of higher learning that no longer serve the needs of our 21st century labor force.
Clinical Research Fastrack was created out of the dire need for a better way to prepare and train clinical researchers. We saw a broken educational system not serving the people who wanted to enter the growing field of clinical research. We took a disruptive step, risking our own careers to serve the needs of individuals willing to take their own risk on a new way of learning… so they could break into this insular and exclusive industry.
We created an onramp to a great career that allows professionals young and old to re-train and re-skill in weeks, not years. We are disrupting the ivory towers of higher learning that still requires outdated modalities to offer diplomas and degrees that are not relevant when new types of experience and training are needed.
Clinical Research Fastrack honors the revolutionary spirit and creativity of our founders such as: Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and their sisters, wives, mothers, daughters and collaborators who fought for a better life for their community and progeny, as all of us in clinical research fight for a healthier and better future for our children.