Clinical Research Fastrack

Uncovering the Hidden Path to a Great Healthcare Career

Entering the field of clinical research may not be as difficult as it seems for positions that pay well and provide substantial opportunity for growth.

Entering the field of clinical research may not be as difficult as it seems for positions that pay well and provide substantial opportunity for growth.

For many young people today a solid career path seems daunting. The appeal of the sharing economy is attractive at first, but it is hard to get ahead as an Uber driver. While the changing economy has presented many challenges to American workers and manufacturing jobs move overseas, a career path in clinical research is proving to be a shining light amidst for those who stumble into it. “Most people don’t even realize this opportunity exists,” Says Louis Silberman, Co-Founder and CEO of Clinical Research Fastrack. “and that is why the demand is high for people working as Clinical Research Coordinators.”

The term clinical research sounds ominous and without knowing more about it one might think you had to have a PhD to work in this field.

In actuality the field has lots of entry level positions available, that pay very well. All an applicant needs to get started is a couple years of college and some additional training at a program like Clinical Research Fastrack. According to Silberman, this is a great way for young people to enter into a promising career in healthcare. “I meet young people today and they would love to be involved in medicine, but can’t fathom going back to school for so many years. Even a nursing degree can take years to complete, and nurses have tough jobs. Lots of entry level positions exist in research and our students are able start working after just one month of training.”

A quick internet search validates Silberman’s claim. The popular job searching site, Indeed, lists job opportunities in clinical research all over the country. <h4>Type in the search for Clinical Research Coordinator (in the Indeed job portal) for a major city like Phoenix, San Francisco, Denver or Houston and hundreds of job listing pop up.</h4> This represents the tip of the iceberg in research. Additional jobs as assistants, data managers and clinical research associates demonstrates the reality that the demand is high for these positions and the supply of qualified applicants are low.

Clinical Research Coordinators earn and average salary of $57,000 per year after two years in the field, so this line of work provides a good opportunity for college grads. With some additional training on the job, coordinators can move up and eventually become monitors of studies or Clinical Research Associates. Those positions pay upwards of $90,000 per year and into the six figures.

Silberman sees this reality as an opportunity. He has set up a training program in Scottsdale, AZ and has already lined up internship opportunities in 20 states around the country. His training program at Clinical Research Fastrack is poised to help people interested in this great healthcare career take the leap and jump into a career filled with opportunity. Entering the field of clinical research may not be as difficult as it seems for positions that pay well and provide a substantial opportunity for growth in a $100 billion industry.

For more information about Clinical Research Fastrack and the industry contact 800-610-3171 or fill out the form below.