Clinical Research Fastrack

Overcoming Adversity in the First SIV – A Guide to Thriving as a CRA

After my first SIV, I was very concerned that my career in clinical research was on the line. How could I have failed so miserably? The SIV was poorly completed, from preparation through execution, and was an abject embarrassment. The only positive aspect was that it provided an invaluable perspective on the importance of adequate … Read more

Clinical Research Associate(CRA): Day in the life

There is nothing more exciting to a new Clinical Research Associate (CRA) than the first independent on-site monitoring visit, for it is an enormous accomplishment demonstrative of organizational trust in the CRAs judgement, monitoring proficiency, and critical thinking. A fitting baseball metaphor describes it perfectly; it is like being called from the minor leagues to … Read more

Clinical Trial Participant Recruitment and Retention Tips.

Clinical trials are the backbone of modern medicine, giving us the opportunity to test new treatments and find better ways to prevent and cure diseases. However, one of the biggest challenges in conducting clinical trials is finding enough eligible individuals to participate and keeping them engaged throughout the study. This is where participant recruitment and … Read more